The Different Types of Crypto Tokens: A Comprehensive Guide

This is the beginners’ guide to Crypto tokens; learn about its definition, various types, present and future scenario, and more in this blog.


You may have heard of Cryptocurrencies, Altcoin, and Crypto Wallets. But have you heard of Crypto Tokens? 

Crypto tokens is part of cryptocurrencies or digital currency that is currently ruling on this universe. 

Though cryptocurrencies represent the digital currency type available to buy and sell, crypto tokens are the specific assets in crypto. 

Generally, Crypto tokens are primitively used for investment purposes, to store value, or to make purchases.

Crypto tokens are said to be tokens (and are not coins) because they don’t have its own native blockchain, hence, reside on another blockchain or cryptocurrency. 

For instance; Ethereum and Bitcoin are cryptocoins while Tether and Shiba Inu are crypto tokens. 

Let’s understand how crypto tokens were invented and why. 

History of Crypto Tokens

Well, the fact is the development of crypto tokens increased only after the inception of Ethereum dated 2015. 

As Ethereum popularized among many crypto owners and still growing though, the variety of tokens has been originated by Cryptocurrency Token

Development Company. 

Developers are using this blockchain-based technology for creating a wide assortment of digital tokens, which can support various crypto activities. 

Traditionally, crypto tokens were only used for investment purposes, but today, the surge has escalated and now it is widely used for a variety of crypto functions. 

Later in this blog, you get to know the different types of crypto tokens. 

Present Scenario of Crypto Tokens 

According to market data, as of July 2022, the number of crypto tokens valued to 20,268 in existence. Some of them are in great demand while some are rooting to gain popularity. 

Not every crypto tokens are similar, meaning they have been built for specific purposes and facilitate only part of crypto functions. 

Do Crypto Tokens Have Value?

Yes, in the crypto exchange platform and cryptocurrency itself, the crypto tokens served as a valuable element. 

It is because crypto tokens can represent any type of physical asset, service, or utility alongside digital assets.

For instance; crypto tokens can be used to represent physical assets such as real estate or art on blockchain networks. 

This simply means that if a crypto owner uses crypto tokens, it represents either storing or purchasing assets which are inserted digitally on a blockchain network. 

An Overview of Cryptocurrency Token Types

In this paragraph, you will learn the various kinds of crypto tokens, each representing unique features. 

1. Security Tokens

Security tokens essentially talk to the property, inclusive of fairness claims and debts, represented on a blockchain inside the form of tokens. These tokens are similar to monetary derivatives, equities, and bonds of their economic characteristic.

Generally, a security is an instrument issued by using a company, consider, government, or different felony entity that memorializes an ownership interest and provides evidence of a debt.

2. Utility Tokens

Utility tokens are included into a present protocol on the blockchain and used to get admission to the offerings of that protocol. They aren’t created for direct funding like security tokens, but can be used for charge of services inside their specific ecosystems.

Utility tokens can serve one-of-a-kind functions which includes incentives for customers, staking governance, and voting rights.

3. Governance Tokens

Its name implies government activity and its associated function. Thus, this type of tokens satisfy blockchain-based voting structures, as they may be regularly used to signal aid for proposed modifications and to vote on new proposals. In the Maker Protocol, the governance token is MKR.

The specified tokens can also be used to allow all stakeholders to collaborate, debate, and vote on how to manage a system.

4. Transactional Tokens

Transactional tokens are used to transact — they function devices of account and are exchanged for items and offerings. These tokens are frequently characteristic like traditional currencies, but in some instances, offer extra benefits. 

Not all transactional tokens are currencies. Global delivery chains and other industries utilize transactional tokens to apply the standard functions of the blockchain and the flexibility of smart contracts to their operations.

5. Platform Tokens

At last, we have Platform tokens that utilize blockchain infrastructures to offer decentralized applications for different uses, which means without the involvement of central authorities. 

A Quick summary: 

  • Security tokens represent legal ownership of both digital and physical. 
  • Utility tokens are used to access the service of inserted protocol.
  • Governance tokens implies blockchain-based voting systems.
  • Transactional tokens act as a unit of account and are used to facilitate exchange of goods and services.
  • Platform tokens support dapps built on the blockchain.

Are Crypto Coins and Crypto Tokens Different?

What are crypto coins?

Crypto coins are secured code that could represent an asset, concept, or assignment — whether or not tangible, virtual, or digital — supposed for diverse uses of and with various valuations. Originally, those coins were supposed to feature as a form of currency.

What are crypto tokens?

Crypto tokens are issued through an Initial Public Offering (ICO) process much like an initial public offering (IPO) for stock. They can be represented as:

  • Security tokens
  • Governance tokens
  • Utility tokens and more

Crypto Coins vs Tokens

Whenever the term ‘crypto’ appears, the terms ‘coin’ and ‘token’ are also observed. Some beginners use them interchangeably, but that’s a mistake. They aren’t interchangeable, and it’s crucial to know the distinction between a coin and a token.

Coins are built on their very own blockchain and were at the start supposed as a form of currency.

But tokens — that are created on a different blockchain (now not their own) — can function in many more approaches than acting as currency.

Some Most Common Token Standards

When developing decentralized apps using the blockchain method, equal importance should be given to crypto token standards. Those are as follow: 

  • ERC-20 token standard offers the standard features for trading alongside supporting approval of tokens and more.
  • ERC-721 standard, also abbreviated as the non-fungible token standard, provides functionalities for tracking unique assets.
  • ERC-777 token standard deals with advanced features to back crypto functionalities smoothly and securely.
  • ERC-1155 token standard, also known as the Multi Token Standard, enables users to manage fungible and non-fungible assets in one contract.

Final Thought 

In conclusion, crypto tokens are not just a cryptocurrency, ultimately, they act more than that. They are called tokens because they aren’t built on existing blockchain like coins are. 

Therefore, the crypto tokens can serve different functions, initiating from security to governance in the newly emerging breed of crypto-based solutions.

Also, Check Our previous Blogs that help you to know more

Frequently Asked Questions 

How many different crypto tokens are there?

As of July 2022, there are a total 20,268 crypto tokens in existence. However, the number is not limited to boundaries, surely they increase with time.

Which crypto token is best?

Well there are many alternatives available to invest. But to name a few popular crypto token; Tether and Shiba Inu are at the forefront.

How do crypto tokens work?

A crypto token acts as a virtual currency token or as a denomination of a cryptocurrency. It is used to purchase or either store crypto activities.

Which is the best Crypto token to invest?

According to Forbes, the top cryptocurrencies to invest (currently) are BTC, ETH, USDT, BNB, XRP, LUNA, and SOL. 

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